Hilda  Kortei

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B.1994 in London

Lives and works in London


<b>Title: </b>TREE OF CHORUS (TO DRAG IS TO ENDURE AS TO DRAG IS TO SURRENDER)<br /><b>Year: </b>2022<br /><b>Medium: </b>Air-filled carrier bag, found wood, paper, fabric, jute, acrylic, charcoal, coins, screw, duct tape, handbell<br /><b>Size: </b>77 x 217 x 50 cm
<b>Title: </b>TREE OF CHORUS (TO DRAG IS TO ENDURE AS TO DRAG IS TO SURRENDER)<br /><b>Year: </b>2022<br /><b>Medium: </b>Air-filled carrier bag, found wood, paper, fabric, jute, acrylic, charcoal, coins, screw, duct tape, handbell<br /><b>Size: </b>77 x 217 x 50 cm
<b>Title: </b>LISTEN FOR THE HUM (II)<br /><b>Year: </b>2022<br /><b>Medium: </b>Acrylic on sugar paper<br /><b>Size: </b>26 x 34.5 cm (Framed)
<b>Title: </b>Will<br /><b>Year: </b>2022<br /><b>Medium: </b>Oil Pastel on sugar paper <br /><b>Size: </b>26 x 34.5 cm (Framed)
<b>Title: </b>STAIN AND ERASURE: A BAT RETURNS<br /><b>Year: </b>2022<br /><b>Medium: </b>Palm oil on linen<br /><b>Size: </b>40 x 90 cm
<b>Title: </b>STAIN AND ERASURE: EXCESS<br /><b>Year: </b>2022<br /><b>Medium: </b>Palm oil on newsprint<br /><b>Size: </b>84.5 x 59 cm
<b>Title: </b>CHOKE<br /><b>Year: </b>2022<br /><b>Medium: </b>Oil Pastel on sugar paper<br /><b>Size: </b>26 x 34.5 cm (Framed)
<b>Title: </b>STRIPPED OF BONE AND BOUNTY (TO THE MOON)<br /><b>Year: </b>2022<br /><b>Medium: </b>Acrylic, bleach, staples on jute<br /><b>Size: </b>50 x 49 cm
<b>Title: </b>STAIN AND ERASURE: A BAT RETURNS (REMNANT)<br /><b>Year: </b>2022<br /><b>Medium: </b>Palm Oil<br /><b>Size: </b>40 x 90 cm
<b>Title: </b>Altar of Agency<br /><b>Year: </b>2022<br /><b>Medium: </b> Acrylic, oil, cement, charcoal, oil pastel, pigment, jute, fabric, paper, found wood, string, potting soil<br /><b>Size: </b>200 x 150 cm
<b>Title: </b>Waitless beyond blue<br /><b>Year: </b>2021<br /><b>Medium: </b>Acrylic, paper, felt, glitter, elastic bands on fabric<br /><b>Size: </b>63.5 x 53.3 cm
<b>Title: </b>Lucky for who<br /><b>Year: </b>2022<br /><b>Medium: </b>Oil on canvas, oil stick, paper, wood, plastic carrier bag<br /><b>Size: </b>50 x 100 cm
<b>Title: </b>Listen for the hum<br /><b>Year: </b>2022<br /><b>Medium: </b>Acrylic, oil, oil stick, fabric and canvas<br /><b>Size: </b>200 x 145 cm
<b>Title: </b>Children playing football at golden hour<br /><b>Year: </b>2020<br /><b>Medium: </b>Acrylic on paper (Diptych)<br /><b>Size: </b>59.4 x 84.1 cm