Kenneth Winterschladen, (Richard) Pui Ching Yeung, Ellie Dragone, Filippos Georgiou, Ed Compson, Beth Horner, Alexis Lee, Garrett Pruter, Haiyu Yuan, Hong Ming Siu, Jukka Virkkunen, Leon Pozniakow, Lingrui Zhang, M. Jacinta Silva Armstrong, Nicole Coson, Pao-Leng Kung, Sae Yeoun Hwang, Sam Creasey, Shardul Shekhar, Sholto Bliesest, Silke Weißbach, Tom Harker, Xiaoxue Tang, Ye Li, Yun-Ah Seo, Adam McGowan, Ariel Helyes, Betsey Kilpatrick, Ella McVeigh, Emily Moore, Francesca Mollett, Gianna Dispenza, Hengzhi Gong, Jess Beige, Kaiyan Chu, Kiki Xuebing Wang, Liang Yaya,Lydia Pettit, Ming Ying, Olivia Sterling, Qijun Li, Safira Taylor, Sasha Ferré, Shir Cohen, Sijiang Chen, Tianyue Zhong, Trine Struwe, Yang Xu, Yikuan Zhao, Ziang Wang
FOLD is pleased to present 50/50, a group show comprising work made by recent graduates from the MA Painting programme at the Royal College of Art.
In response to the pandemic and in recognition of the knock on effect that it has had on educational institutions over the last six months, FOLD has organised an exhibition for the graduates from the Masters Painting course at the Royal College of Art.
The expression 50 / 50 (or fifty-fifty) means the same in share or proportion: to be equal. In this sense the gallery is giving an equal opportunity to every student, who were unable to physically present a degree show, to show something of his or her practice to the public in a controlled and safe environment. The gallery will present fifty works by fifty graduates, one work by each artist, with no selection process or preferential treatment, in a salon-style egalitarian exhibition that celebrates their achievements equally.